Nollywood actress Steph Nora Okere has always hugged the limelight, not only for her talent, which is top draw, but also for her readiness to pick roles some of her colleagues wouldn’t dare. Her roles in ‘Indecent Girl’, “Angels Forever’, ‘Lagos Babes’, ‘Sharon Stone’, to mention a few, shows how well this Nollywood beauty performs. The Imo State born actress and newly elected Vice President, Screenwriters Guild of Nigeria, talks about her crashed marriage, her romance with Jim Iyke in a new interview with Vanguard. Excerpts: You have been away for a while. What happened? I have been everywhere. I only reduced the numbers of films I featured in and concentrated more on soap operas. And that was for two years. I have also been working on my talk show that would soon hit television screen. You joined the industry as a spinster. Would you say this affected your love life? I joined the industry when I was 21 and a graduate. Perhaps it did...
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